A Path towards Completion

The prize for the fortunate is the sense that time is gone, life has vanished, and space is not—and yet what remains leaves nothing whatsoever lacking.  This gift that comes like a spontaneous blessing out of nothing at all eliminates everything known and, indeed, the structure of knowledge itself, but leaves behind only that which makes all of this real, that which makes the truth true, that which makes life alive, that which sparked every idea simultaneously so that all of this unfolding might be possible.  To the very fortunate, that moment of grace, that penetration into not the form of reality but its is-ness, comes completely unbidden, spontaneously arising in spite of every seeming obstacle and contradiction.  And what is it, then, to be fortunate?  What does it take to become so lucky?  It is not a matter of virtue; it is not a function of purity; it is not a reward for accomplishments; it is not a consolation in defeat.  This moment is not reached by the body perfecting itself, is not granted out of any sense that some are good while others are not yet good enough.  This holy moment is given to the fortunate, and by that I mean only one thing:  I mean those who are finished....

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